Festival of Erotic Living | 6-8 March @ Leela Centre

Cultivate the feeling of joy and aliveness in your body and your personal relationships!

The Sydney Festival of Erotic Living is a new two day festival to explore the diversity and richness of erotic living. The festival will take at the Leela Centre on March 6-8, 2020, 2nd Floor, 113-115 Oxford Street, (Corner of Crown Street), Darlinghurst NSW 2010. There will be a program of 20 workshops, installations, ceremonies and play party.

Book now for one workshop only, performance night only, Saturday or Sunday or All-Inclusive. Helper tickets available for low income earners. If you are under 30, there is a 30% Discount on all tickets. Discount Code is UNDER30. If you claim this discount, you will be required to show an id. with your date of birth to gain entry to the festival.

Nervous about coming? Read our Frequently Asked Questions.

Read About the Festival of Erotic Living in TimeOut

Our Presenters and Performers

Program of Workshops, Installations and Performances