Oliver James Damian has been a member of Erotic Living since 2015. He believes that we are primarily Homo Ludens — we can attain our highest level of sovereignty & coherence in deep play. Oliver collects experiences like some people collect fine bone china. The school provides ample opportunity for his Homo Ludens to delightfully collect exquisite experiences of play.

He has decades of meditation and embodiment practices under his belt. He has been regularly practicing orgasmic meditation with women from around the world since 2014. He has and continues to perform with a group of interdisciplinary performing artists led by WeiZen Ho. He studied at the Australian Film Radio & Television School earning a graduate certificate in webisodes.   

Oliver is admitted to practice law in New South Wales, Australia. He holds degrees in product design, creative intelligence & innovation, JD, LLM, and management economics. Come visit his play space at https://www.oliver-damian.space/

Oliver Damian

Oliver Damian