Worldwide Festival of Erotic Living

5-13 June 2020

Even though the festival has begun, tickets are still on sale (at reduced price). Recordings of Past Sessions are available to all festival participants for one month after the festival.

How do we not only survive, but also flourish, enjoy and learn in this current crisis? How can we take pleasure for ourselves and with others in this strange new world in which we find ourselves? How do we find new ways to feel pleasure, happy and alive under these novel conditions?

For the first time Erotic Living proposes a worldwide festival to explore these questions. Teachers and artists from Europe, the United States and Australia, leaders and inventors in the field, will support you to explore what is erotic living Today.

The Erotic Living Worldwide Festival will take place over nine days, so you will not be encouraged to spend full days in front of your computer or get unnecessarily fatigued. Workshops will be edited and recorded so that you can also watch them for up to a month later. Witness or participate from anywhere in the world. Given the current crisis all ticket prices are starkly reduced. (From AUD $89; USD $60; EUR $53). Our incredible program includes Experiential workshops, Lectures, Participatory Installations, Dance, Music, and Art Performances. Meet new people, learn and above all Have a Great Time!

Our Worldwide Festival Presenters

Our Worldwide Festival Program