Through the Anus to the Heart

The journey to paradise begins through the darkest and most taboo part of the body: so teaches one of the greatest literary works of European culture. In the The Divine Comedy  Dante famously exits the circles of hell through the anus of the devil. From a practical point of view, when exploring the anus Jack Morin encourages everyone to make a "no pain ever commitment". This workshop is for those who want to learn skills in giving and/or receiving anal pleasure. We will spend time relaxing with a slow touch around the outside of the anus - 'rosebud' massage. We will teach some techniques of touch to this area of extraordinary sensitivity.


Sharka Rey is a Czech born and Basel-based conscious sexuality educator, bodyworker, yoga teacher, international retreat and workshop organiser with experience in and passion for body mechanics, movement, dance, contact improvisation, theatre improvisation, and martial arts.  

From 2009 to 2012 she studied psychology and counselling theory at West London University which helps me to differentiate subtle aspects of the human psyche and its processes. Since 2013 she has been closely connected to the Schwelle7 project in Berlin (an artistic & educational venue for body/mind/conscious sexuality practices) created by Felix Ruckert who remains a respected influence and inspiration. She received yoga teaching qualification in India in 2013 and was invited to teach at the same school, Bindusar Yoga School Rishikesh, right after. After, she moved to the Philippines creating there a yoga community and regular "'Weekend Well-Being Retreats" in Sibulan. From 2014 to 2017 she had been organising annual ''Contact Improvisation Event in the Philippines'' with international teachers, introducing this form of alternative movement practice to local communities. Next to that she worked on human empowerment at the local detention center, and with sexually abused women using such tools as movement therapy, yoga, meditation and general psychology. In 2015, I moved my base to Berlin from where, I started to conduct international retreats and workshops in England, Spain, Holland, Germany, Norway, Australia and the Philippines on conscious sexuality, movement, empowerment, personal growth and yoga. Besides, I have been involved in various artistic projects as a performer.

I like to inspire people sharing my varied experiences and perspectives on living life. I like exploring limits of different intensities, both subtle and extreme.