Grooming is a primal experience of unconditional holding and service without expectation of reciprocity, where all experiences of somatic surrender are un-judged. This can be seen in an ideal relationship between primary caregiver and child. To ritualise is to bring complete presence and somatic surrender to any given moment or experience. Using Ritual Grooming as a modality for experiencing true acceptance, without any expectation of outcome, we can create a deep trust and even make way for catharsis.
To be seen, held, accepted and loved in any state of truth is to come closer to our truest inner being.
The session offers an opportunity to have a cathartic experience with someone who represents a caregiver. It could be: an experience that wants to heal a wound of scarcity of love and approval; an experience that reconnects you to a sense of love and security that you once had with them; an opportunity to disentangle difficult dynamics or for things to be expressed that haven't been and ultimately to hear and feel the things you needed or wanted to hear and feel as a child or as an adult.
In this session we will delve into some basic family constellation work to allow a dynamic to emerge that we would like to explore, as we work with essential dynamics of nurture. Through further development and discussion we will then have the opportunity to play out a Ritual Grooming session, specific to our own inner child’s needs.