Workshops and Events
In this clothes-on workshop, we are going to explore what it is to love ourselves through the medium of touch, specifically self touch. This style of touch can be used as an expression of nurturing.
This workshop is an inquiry which aims to explore the gap between the physical technical tools of contact improvisation and the infinite possibilities of contact improvisation that become available when we allow our spirit to dance with another.
Jack and Jo are a full-time Daddy/Babygirl couple, comfortably living on the fringe of the kink scene in Sydney. This workshop is about their experience as a couple.
OR Good Negotiation = Great Sex!
OR How Words Can Give You Much Better Sex
OR How to Negotiate Scenes for Perfection
OR Communication: Your Number One Sex Move
Orgasmic Yoga is a form of yoga that involves pleasurable, intimate, and transformative practices that individuals, couples, and groups can do while sexually aroused. It is not about complicated steps or awkward poses, but is rather an exploration of the use of breath, movement, sound, touch and intention.
By using the term SMassage we engage in a research into how healing & massage practices can take use and inspiration from techniques and methods present in BDSM. The action of consciously applying pain as part of a massage has the potential of releasing deep tensions and old memories stored in the body.
This workshop provides a safe playground for the practice of saying NO, a space for disagreement, for rejecting, refusing, denying and avoiding. We will train the ability to take refuge, regardless of conventions or politeness.
'Male' labor is an experiment of becoming through embodying physical qualities, emotional states and breathing patterns usually accompanying a process of birth. Though anatomically not possible for the so-called male body, I believe that labor is a collective human experience that can connect us to a fundamental life force beyond gender and sexual orientation. For the (hu)man to become whole, embodying the so-called female experience can generate personal liberation, collective healing or simply a smile on the lips :)
Sexy Stretch is the perfect class to wake up the body sweetly, softly, to breathe, stretch and make the body more supple. Juliette works on the deep muscles and you come out taller, more open and more relaxed.
There is an old relationship between women and water. In the Taoist tradition they speak of The Third Water, in ancient India The Nectar Of The Gods and in ancient Greece they named it Liquor Vitae. All of these refer to what we today mostly describe as Female Ejaculation.
While holding forms an integral part of many physical interactions, and while it can, by itself, generate intense emotions and sensations, it is rarely investigated on its own merit. Often we do not actually feel safely held, even though that is what we long for (we can only truly let go when we know that someone will be there to hold us).
Fighting is energetic, dynamic, honest, and liberating. Play fighting retains all that but without the destructive aspects of fighting. And adds fun and joy. You get an idea of what play fights are about, if you think of puppies fighting playfully. So it’s not about winning or losing, about fighting against each other, it’s about frolicking around, having fun with each other. It means laughing a lot and can be wonderfully wild.
Dean Walsh and Andrew Batt-Rawden will commence this workshop with a series of personal disclosures and experiential insights as survivors of childhood sexual abuse / rape. They will discuss how their artforms (dance and music) have played a role in their sexual healing in both public and private spaces. They will discuss their more recent combined explorations into creative sexual ritual and the role of kink as empowering play through deep togetherness, respect, tenderness, trust and addressing feelings of shame and/or inauthenticity of self.
Both men draw from sophisticated creative methods used for choreography and music composition which they have used to inform sexual exploration and ritual and continue to explore this approach together, finding they possess profound healing qualities and help with some effects of childhood sexual violation.
Fear is not the opposite of courage. In fact, very often the two go together. Often we are not even aware that we are frightened of something, or the extent to which fear is in the driver's seat in so many important aspects of our lives. Fear is not necessarily bad, it is there to protect us, but sometimes the protection prevents us from taking beautiful risks.
An audience participative performance installation
Concept by Christine Borch
Wax play is a form of sensual play involving warm or hot wax usually dripped from candles or ladled onto a person's naked skin. Paraffin therapy is a veritable way to speed healing and soothe muscle and joint pain. It soothes and moisturizes the skin by increasing the blood supply to the area being treated. It opens pores, increases circulation, and promotes a sense of calm in the patient. Paraffin therapy reduces pain and stiffness around joints by removing excess fluid from surrounding tissue while providing lubrication.
One of the most profound and intimate experiences is to be wounded and unable to forgive. The inability to forgive may not be something that is simply chosen. Something very powerful continues to say ‘no’, even if one would like to say ‘yes’, to forgive the other, believing that it will make things easier, lighter and better from now on. In certain cases even after one has said ‘yes’ and meant ‘yes’, the ‘no’ insists.
Rough Body Play allows us to experience our own strength and “power” in a particularly acute way. Despite its obvious physical aspect, Rough Body Play also features a strong psychological component. However, it derives its particular fascination from its unique “carnal” appeal and its use of certain symbols of violence. In their “Rough Body Play”, Frank & Sheila turn martial arts into arts of pleasure and kink, thereby creating a protected safe space in which to experiment with such fantasies.
What is it with spanking? Why does it have such allure? Why does it hold such a special spot in the heart of the kink-identified and mainstream lover alike?
Pornography and dating apps play an increasingly large role in the sex lives of many people today in Australia and around the world. What are we really looking for when we go online? And how does it effect us? And the way treat people? What does going online teach us about sex?
In this workshop, we will create a bordello, where participants can chose to be either clients or service providers. Juliette Dragon will be the madam, as in real life, where she is the madam of L'Ecole des Filles de Joie in Paris. For the workshop we'll be using monopoly money.
Do you have to be forced to exercise? Do you long to have someone strong motivate you to get the fitness results you want? The fitness results you NEED? Incorporating aspects of Domination and submission with fitness.
If we consider sex as something that overflows our understanding, that escapes, surprises and disturbs us, that puts things into question, then we can conceive of a relationship between sex and madness.
Lust and longing can drive one out of their rational mind. Similarly the loss of love/lover, or infidelity and betrayal can plunge one into depths of despair or into fear and trembling.
In this trans-festival workshop, we will meet once to share our kidnapping experiences and fantasies and then whoever wishes may put themselves down to be kidnapped at some point during the festival, making clear what their limits and curiosities are. The others will together organize to be kidnappers.
Bring your imagination!
When we play with interrogation, it can of course be all about getting the desired information. But then again, if we don’t go directly for “the secret”, who knows what other interesting things we might discover instead?
In this workshop we will practice different sexual positions and choreograph them into a flow. Partners will learn to breathe together in each position to create greater connection and raise and pass the energy between them. All orientations and genders welcome.
When the submissive is no longer tied up or accepts whippings with clenched teeth, then motion comes into play! Between the partners there evolves a form of dance that can be severe and spontaneous, but also smooth and sleek like a cat.