In this workshop, we will deepen our understanding of consent by using spatial principles from movement and dance. Consent is most often taught in terms of practicing verbal expressions of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ or otherwise the traffic light system of ‘red’, ‘yellow’ and ‘green’. While verbal expression can be useful and sometimes absolutely necessary, it misses an enormous dimension of our intimate communication, which passes non-verbally.
In this workshop we will learn how to feel in our bodies what is an appropriate distance between oneself and another. We will also learn how to physically hold our ground when someone invades our space without consent. Working in couples and in threes we will develop an exquisite awareness of how relationships change, according to how we situate ourselves in space. This workshop is a superb introduction for navigating a play party. We will practice how it feels to come in and out of interactions and relationships.
We also focus on how to lovingly give feedback when things don’t work in the ways that we wish or there are misunderstandings. Perhaps the most important skill of all.