Tantric Tai Chi
In Tantric Tai Chi we explore deepening our connection with breath and movement both within ourselves and with our partners. Tai Chi was originally conceived as a martial art. Nowadays, Tai Chi is mostly practiced for the many health benefits it provides.
Tantric Tai Chi is a simple, interesting and fun practice you can use to dramatically improve your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.
You will learn basic Tantric Tai Chi movements designed to bring you into a deeper state of connection with your body, mind and soul. Then, if you chose, working with a partner you can expend this awareness so that your intentions, movements, and breath move in harmony with each other.
Ben Tan has been practicing holistic movement for over thirty years. He is the founder of Tan style Tai Chi and teaches workshops around the world. Ben focusses on tai chi application for health benefits and and cultivating inner harmony.
Having also studied, yoga, personal training, nutrition and life coaching, Ben’s passion is helping people achieve optimal health and wellbeing.