Exploring Non-Monogamy

Exploring Non-Monogamy

Our society encourages us to search for “the one”, to find our “better half” and to rely on our romantic partner to anticipate and meet all of our needs.  We know we can have nurturing relationships with multiple friends, co-workers, and relatives without threatening our other relationships.  

So what happens if we reject society’s scarcity model of love and let go of ownership of our romantic partner?  We can begin to think of love and erotic energy as coming from a place of abundance, with room for sensual exploration, sexual adventures and long-lasting, fulfilling relationships.  Ethical non-monogamy offers tools for taking responsibility for our own happiness, building communication, intimacy, trust, and freedom to explore different aspects of ourselves with others.  Lydia will share some of the mindset adjustments and communication rituals that she and her partners use to ensure everyone feels safe, respected and loved.  

The Tantric Playground

The Tantric Playground

Tantra is ultimately the art of creative play, from the cosmic to the physical and sexual. As we connect deeper to self, so does our play become more deeply fulfilling, and potentially transformative and ecstatic.

The Tantric playground is an invitation to play from a space of deep love and authenticity. To welcome childlike abandon, spontaneous passion, and the flow of joy and ecstasy while honouring the importance of safety and groundedness in our bodies.

Anarchic Rope Play (Unshibari)

Anarchic Rope Play (Unshibari)

We invite you to tie with the seriousness of a child at play with the ropes and other materials, to get into the space of childlike curiosity and imagination, which is probably the origin of all creativity.

Messy bondage brings up emotions quite different from that of normal bondage. It calls and responds to different thoughts in our psyche. It is not an anti-aesthetic, but a different aesthetic to conventional bondage. It combines structure and unpredictability. It is also a chance to learn new unshibari techniques, performance skills, as well as body and spacial awareness.

Developing Our Sexual Voices

Developing Our Sexual Voices

Developing our sexual voice and our erotic articulation skills is fundamental if we are to live fulfilling erotic lives. Yet, the social models we have for this are sorely lacking and consent discussions while super important only take us so far. This workshop is in part about finding the space between BDSM negotiation, Tantric conventions and sex education literacy to collaboratively develop our vocabularies for pleasure.