Dance and Desire with Ron van Twuiver (11:30-1pm)
Porn Habits with Peter Banki, Ph.D and Sarah Roffey (11:30-1pm)
Liquid Love: Bodygliding with Nuru (2:30-4:00pm)
Safer Sex For Sluts with Nikó (2:30-4pm)
The Kissing Whip with Ira Zev (4:30-6pm)
Erotic Literature with Sarah Roffey (4:30-6pm)
In this workshop, we will explore reading erotic poetry and literature to one another, exploring words with our minds and our bodies. Where do we feel a certain phrase in our bodies? What tone of voice excites us. What kind of writing do we enjoy listening to and hearing from others? What do certain kinds of touch feel like when alongside certain words? You will also be invited to explore your own erotic writing. Bring your imagination!