The School of Permission

12 Month EL Mentoring Program

The School of Permission is our mentoring program for people interested in taking their erotic lives to a deeper level where they can experience greater vitality, healing and deeper connections with themselves and others.

We will accompany you over a period of 12 months, during which you will expand what you believe is possible for you in the erotic realm.

Membership allows you to attend our festivals and workshops for free as well as our residential immersions at cost price. It also offers you personal coaching to evolve your erotic life in the ways you decide are best suited to you as an individual.

It's one thing to liberate yourself sexually at a festival or a retreat, but the deeper work is the emotional and personal integration that accompanies your sexual liberation when you return home.

For this reason, evolution is not simply about attending one or two events, It is about cultivating a new way of life over time where your deeper needs may be genuinely acknowledged by the people around you and where you yourself make the space within your days to be creative and to grow.

Living Erotically is not about living in a heightened state of arousal all the time, but rather cultivating an attitude of permission in your life, without sacrificing the discernment, which keeps you safe.

Living Erotically is the practice of confronting your fears, pains and insecurities day by day both by Taking Action and Learning To Surrender and Trust as a condition for deep change.

What people say about us

“I would 100% recommend this program to anyone who is willing to explore the full potential of their sexuality. I went in with no expectations and came with a totally new perspective on my sexual potency and potential. My repertoire of sexual games and ways to communicate consciously during sex have increased exponentially. Thank you!" Carolyn, Sydney

“I always come home 'alive' - re-invigorated, switched on and excited about the possibilities life and human connection have to offer. It's been of enormous benefit to me personally and in my work as a psychotherapist working in the field of sexuality." JB, Psychologist, Canberra