Ruslan is a long-time aficionado of algorithmic music. His deep-dive into the genre ended up with building his own livecoding system from the ground up, which is used these days to accompany contemporary poetry performances and to inspire Katherine’s mystical art.

Katherine’s inspiration in art has its primary sources in incomparable Australian nature and Ruslan's experimental soundscapes. She has discovered that watercolour, with its property of forming unpredictable and unique images, is the ideal medium to represent both these influences. Her art-making process, in turn, enhances her professional roles as a psychotherapist and a Tarot/Runes reader.

Katherine is a psychotherapist, artist and dedicated Runes/Tarot reader and teacher. In her native Russia, she earned a PhD and spent a decade working at Tula University, specialising in art history. For the past twenty years, Katherine has been a passionate practitioner of Runes and Tarot. She invented her unique multi-dimensional approach to working with imagery, revealing the inner power of the subconscious. She is currently studying for a Masters in Counselling and Psychotherapy at ACAP.