In age play, we eroticise familiar structures and roles. We play with taboo fantasies, such as mummy, daddy, little girl, little boy, teacher, student and so on. Like all BDSM, it happens only between consenting adults. Age play is not pedophilia.
It can be very healing to create your own family, a family that you choose, where you feel at home and where you feel loved. Many of us have a need for authority figures and some of us have the need to play with taboos. If we approach these needs consciously, then age-play can be very healing. It may also help us to deal with old traumas.
Age play is only possible with a great deal of trust. However, one also does it for the thrill of the forbidden. As a child, I seduce authority. I am terrified of it, yet so excited. There are fantasies of being pure, innocent, again a virgin.
From the side of the authority figures, one is allowed to have control and play with taboos, while at the same time giving and providing and caring.
Everyone is welcome to attend this workshop. However, it is only fair to warn you that age-play can trigger strong emotions. We are looking forward to exploring and playing with you. And to expanding our family.