Primal Play

This session will be a process of stripping back the socialised self and dropping into a state of pure being. This kind of primal play will not be one where we embody or imitate other animals but rather strip back our civility find our sapien selves. together were will reconnect to our pure body sensitivity and reactivity and see how this can change the way play with others, relying not on cognitive and analytical (linguistic)l communication as we are used to doing, but instead working with our mammalian sensitivity and body language to navigate play.


Ira Zev has been member of Erotic Living since 2017 and is also co-founder of SCRAP Gallery and Co-op in Enmore in Sydney. Her interest in sex-positive spaces comes out of her critique of the culture we live in. To her, it has always seemed normal for people to share an intimacy with one another and to be affectionate. “That’s how we make connections, that’s how we make friends. For the culture to tell us that that’s wrong to explore never seemed right to me.”

Ira is especially interested in making spaces where people come to realise that they can be creative.

“People come to these workshops and festivals thinking they’ll get step by step pointers and tricks about how to be better lovers or how to have good sex, but it doesn’t work like that. I want people to realise that we all have the capacity to be creative. We all have the permission to do that all the time.”