The Forum is a concept adopted from the Zegg community in Germany. It’s purpose is to help build community by giving people opportunities to share in front of others what most concerns and worries them. We believe the forum is a powerful tool, if we wish to live in a sex-positive community in a happy and healthy way.
ZEGG-Forum promotes awareness, essential communication and trust. It is a transforming process for inner work in groups. At the same time it presents a wholistic and creative possibility for individuals to express and explore oneself deeper.
ZEGG-FORUM is a ritualized form of transparent communication for larger groups. One person, “the presenter” steps into the middle of the circle of the group and starts to express herself. It is like an existential stage, which includes the whole person with his/her physical and verbal expressions, his mind, his creativity and his feelings.
It is much more than a technique. ZEGG-Forum is a culture building process based on world views of high human and ethical values. It is held within the context of a cultural shift of paradigms. The perspective shifts from the paradigm of perceiving us as separate individuals with the consequence of a culture of wining and loosing to a paradigm of perceiving the flows, relationships and connections between everything. Latter will create a culture of "winning is happening", or "loosing is happening" if we keep polluting and destroying these connections.
We developed Forum in 1978 to make all processes within a group in a longterm social experiment transparent and understandable for all involved.