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Purpose Statement
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Erotic Mentoring
Mentoring for the Curious and the Brave
Upcoming Festivals and Workshops
What is a Space of Permission
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Purpose Statement
Who We Are
Erotic Mentoring
Mentoring for the Curious and the Brave
Upcoming Festivals and Workshops
What is a Space of Permission
School Products
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My Account
Worldwide Festival of Erotic Living, 5-12 June
Workshop Requirements
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Workshop Type (Lecture, Discussion, Movement, etc)
What materials will it be helpful for your participants to have on hand to get the most out of your workshop?
Are there any other special requirements for your workshop?
For your workshop, will you need to use the Zoom breakout rooms function?
Do you have high speed internet, lights to properly illuminate your face and a calm background for your workshop?
Do you give us permission for your workshop to be recorded?
Thank you!