Erotic Living | Mentoring for the Curious and the Brave

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Ritual Play with Marina Kronkvist

Ritual Play is a sensory based session inviting an interactive play dynamic. The Ritual Play dynamic was created as an alternative to the traditional giver-receiver dynamic used in touch-based sessions, like in a Tantra massage. A Ritual Play session includes aspects of Tantra massage but is so much more by inviting the person in for a non-verbal encounter without a goal.

So far, the Ritual Play structure has been used in work connected to Tantra, Sexsibility and Eros, in Community Building projects and in Contemporary Art practices and research. 

Preparation for this workshop

1. This class is experiential and participatory. To participate you will need to be prepared with:

a) private undisturbed space during the class.

b) a defined space on the floor of about 2x2 meters. This can be any defined surface about the size of 2-3 yoga mats put together, like a rug, a futon or markings on the floor.

c) ability to be without headphones and hear the sound from your device so you can move freely and to hear guidance.

d) to have available a timer ( your phone is ok)

e) a portable mirror small enough to hold in your hand and big enough so you can see both your eyes at the same time in it ( for solo participants ) 

2. Please make sure you can join from the start of the class. The door to this event will be locked once we begin. You can leave if you want, but no one new will be admitted.

3. This is a "video on" - event. Please plan to focus your attention on the class and to not multitask for the entire time. 

4. This is a clothes-on pleasure-inviting class. 

About me

Marina Kronkvist, Finland

I love evolving mine and other’s capacity, competency, willingness and desire to engage in meaningful, mutually empowering, loving, full spectrum dynamics.

Ritual Play is an interactive session format & workshop I created in 2012 and have developed since. Through Ritual Play and Transformational Money coaching, I assist lovers and change-makers in cultivating their own unique contribution to the more beautiful world our hearts know is co-creatable.

In 2007 I published my book ‘Hon som fick veta’ (She Know). I wanted it to be a book for children, instead it became a book written by a child. In the story, a little girl knows that her parents will die soon. Accepting that she knows intensifies life and time. The story is also my story, it is about the gifts and pains I have integrated from the experience of death in my family at a very early age. Loving Play is the gift.

I have a MA on the subject of Sexuality as Art (2013) and a BA in Aesthetics and Body Awareness from Helsinki University. My license for sexual education is from the Sexsibility Coach Training (2010) and as an Erotic Blueprint™ Coach since 2017.  With The Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute have I studied body-based treatments to trauma. And Margret M. Lynch has certified me as a Tapping into Wealth Transformational coach in 2014. My newest training is with Wheel of Consent in 2019. 

I’m a co-founder of the Solbacka eco-village in South of Finland where i (part-time) live, love and learn with my two children and the rest of the community.