Erotic Living | Mentoring for the Curious and the Brave

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Erotic Reading Group | 10th December 2019 @ 7pm

In this workshop we will bring together erotic practices with the reading and discussion of literary and philosophical texts. What might it mean to welcome literature and philosophy into erotic spaces? How can the practice of reading inform our erotic relations.

People should be prepared both for reading and discussion as well as light erotic play. In terms of erotic play, what we do will be dependent on the group, but will involve yoga, relaxation, trauma-release, touch, dance, kink, role play and so on.

The Erotic Reading Group meets once a month.


Tuesday December 10 @ 7pm.


North Bondi, Sydney (Exact Address given on Registration).


You must purchase a membership to the association ($70, $100 or $150), after that it is pay as you wish.

All texts will be sent to you on enrolment.

Extracts from: Jean-Luc Nancy Corpus (New York: Fordam UP, 2008)

Jacques Derrida On Touching - Jean-Luc Nancy (New York: Fordham UP, 2005)

Luce Irigaray “Fecundity of the Caress: A Reading of Levinas Totality and Infinity The Phenomenology of Eros