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Purpose Statement
Who We Are
Erotic Mentoring
Mentoring for the Curious and the Brave
Upcoming Festivals and Workshops
What is a Space of Permission
School Products
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Featured-In slider
Purpose Statement
Who We Are
Erotic Mentoring
Mentoring for the Curious and the Brave
Upcoming Festivals and Workshops
What is a Space of Permission
School Products
Sign In
My Account
Presenter Requirements
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Workshop Type (Talk, Movement, etc)
Seating Requirements (Chairs, Cushions, etc.)
Technical Requirements (Do you Need a Projector, Speakers, Lights, Microphone, etc)?
Please tell us ALL the materials you will require for your workshop? (We prefer if you purchase the materials you need for your workshop. We can reimburse you later, if necessary. If not, let us know what we need to get hold of. (WE need to know all the materials so we can make sure they are ready for you at the correct time.
Do you give permission for your workshop to be recorded for future promotion?
Thank you!