Weekly Online Shibari Rope Jam with Lucky2Bind (Thursdays @ 7:30pm AEST)
Lets have a rope jam every Thursday while the lock down keeps us apart. 😊
If you're living alone or with a partner and would like to join, just grab your ropes and prepare your Zoom.
The jam will be 7.30pm 'till 9.00pm at least, every level is welcomed, even if you don't know anything: we're just meeting and sharing, pop in and out whenever you want. Enrolment is by donation.
Lucky2Bind has been practicing kinbaku and developing his own style for a number of years. His style has come from his home in Italy where his main influence is from Wildties and Beppe_Torino_K. He keeps learning new techniques and attends many workshops locally here in Australia (Avalon, Kazami Ranki, Nawashi Kanna, Studio Kink among others).