It can be in in the smallest, most subdued, barely there moments that the greatest ecstasy can be felt. In a world where bigger, louder, faster reigns surpreme, where if something is good more must be better, we can miss the beauty of the subtle. In this experiential workshop we’ll be exploring what’s teetering on the edge, what hides in the muted, what lies in the spaces in-between…
The Opening Ceremony (9:30-11am) (Everyone Must Attend)
The Decision Between Us with Paul Walker
Acts of Service as Acts of Love with Gideon Payten-Griffiths
Through acts of service, we can find our own deep pleasure and mutual gratitude. Allowing yourself to purely receive these acts can also involve crossing some personal thresholds and that surrender allows the deep pleasure of having your needs satisfied and being touched by another, physically and emotionally.
The Sacred Art of Lingam Worship with Marion Ellyard
Desire and Dance with Ron van Twuiver (11:30-1pm)
Confronting Fear with Peter Banki, Ph.D.
Fear is not the opposite of courage. In fact, very often the two go together. Often we are not even aware that we are frightened of something, or the extent to which fear is in the driver's seat in so many important aspects of our lives. Fear is not necessary bad, it is there to protect us, but sometimes the protection prevents us from taking beautiful risks.
Friendship with Peter Banki, Ph.D & Sebastian Job, Ph.D
In this workshops we will think about the state of friendship today; how the lines between friendship and work are often blurred today, the question of friendship across differences in race, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, how social media has changed friendship, the friend-enemy, how much you rely on friends. fighting and rivalry among friends.