From Sexual Abuse to Sexual Healing: Fluidity and Trust

From Sexual Abuse to Sexual Healing: Fluidity and Trust

Dean Walsh and Andrew Batt-Rawden will commence this workshop with a series of personal disclosures and experiential insights as survivors of childhood sexual abuse / rape. They will discuss how their artforms (dance and music) have played a role in their sexual healing in both public and private spaces. They will discuss their more recent combined explorations into creative sexual ritual and the role of kink as empowering play through deep togetherness, respect, tenderness, trust and addressing feelings of shame and/or inauthenticity of self.

Both men draw from sophisticated creative methods used for choreography and music composition which they have used to inform sexual exploration and ritual and continue to explore this approach together, finding they possess profound healing qualities and help with some effects of childhood sexual violation.

On Intimacy of Pain and Because The Beauty Of

On Intimacy of Pain and Because The Beauty Of

An audience participative performance installation

Concept by Christine Borch

Wax play is a form of sensual play involving warm or hot wax usually dripped from candles or ladled onto a person's naked skin. Paraffin therapy is a veritable way to speed healing and soothe muscle and joint pain. It soothes and moisturizes the skin by increasing the blood supply to the area being treated. It opens pores, increases circulation, and promotes a sense of calm in the patient. Paraffin therapy reduces pain and stiffness around joints by removing excess fluid from surrounding tissue while providing lubrication.

To Forgive the Unforgivable: A 'Philosopher' who wants to Dance - with Dr. Peter Banki

To Forgive the Unforgivable: A 'Philosopher' who wants to Dance - with Dr. Peter Banki

One of the most profound and intimate experiences is to be wounded and unable to forgive. The inability to forgive may not be something that is simply chosen. Something very powerful continues to say ‘no’, even if one would like to say ‘yes’, to forgive the other, believing that it will make things easier, lighter and better from now on. In certain cases even after one has said ‘yes’ and meant ‘yes’, the ‘no’ insists. 

Rough Body Play with Frank and Sheila

Rough Body Play with Frank and Sheila

Rough Body Play allows us to experience our own strength and “power” in a particularly acute way. Despite its obvious physical aspect, Rough Body Play also features a strong psychological component. However, it derives its particular fascination from its unique “carnal” appeal and its use of certain symbols of violence. In their “Rough Body Play”, Frank & Sheila turn martial arts into arts of pleasure and kink, thereby creating a protected safe space in which to experiment with such fantasies.