Objects for Sex Play

Objects for Sex Play

When is the caress of your hand, the intimacy of genitals, penetrating eye contact, or the slap of buttocks, not enough? When in a relationship do you bring something else out… and what is the thing you bring? What objects are fun in sex play, and why? Is it for extra sensation, sensation deprivation, power play, or something else? A household item? Dress up? Sex toys? Bring along one of your favorite sex objects! Or bring them all!

Yes, We Fuck: A film by Antonio Centeno, Raúl de la Morena

Yes, We Fuck: A film by Antonio Centeno, Raúl de la Morena

A documentary that addresses sexuality in people with functional diversity through six real stories which show that sex belongs to everybody. It explores not only what sexuality can do for the people with disabilities, but what functional diversity may contribute to human sexuality. It breaks the pairing dependence-infantilization using explicit images that portray disabled people as sexual and sexed beings and as desiring and desirable bodies.

Cuddle Puddle with Oliver Morton-Evans and Ira Zev

Cuddle Puddle with Oliver Morton-Evans and Ira Zev

Human touch is proven to be important in maintaining physical and mental health. It can help reduce stress as well as feelings of isolation and loneliness. In a society where people are gradually losing their ability to relate to each other in the physical here and now, and where touch often brings with it sexual connotations, too few of us are getting the touch we need. In this 90 minute cuddle puddle we get to know each other, play some games to help us explore the nature of touch, set some ground rules then warm up to some epic cuddling.