Shoe Worship and Foot Pampering

Shoe Worship and Foot Pampering

Come into an altered state with shoe worship and foot pampering.. As a prelude to entering the evening sensorium, we will create an opportunity to honour the feet and the shoes by caring and nurturing. For the receiver, this devoted and attentive practice enhances a deep sense of well being and connection without expectations allowing both the giver and receiver to prepare for their journey.

Tantra for Full Body Orgasms with Shivani

Tantra for Full Body Orgasms with Shivani

Learn simple yet powerful techniques to experience longer, deeper, and expanded orgasms. Explore ancient and modern Tantra Yoga methods for an array of tingling, pulsating, and vibrating, sensations throughout your whole body. Play with breath, movement, sound, and visualisations to activate energy in yourself and others. Full body orgasm is not just a skill for more pleasure in intimacy, it can also release tensions in the body, clear emotions, and allow you to feel multidimensional experiences of peace, freedom, and sublime connection with the blissful nectar of life itself. Please bring a face towel and scarf (or light weight towel) to the workshop.

Erotic Abstinence with Natalia Je

Erotic Abstinence with Natalia Je

The workshop will explore the erotic potential of abstaining from something one craves, deferral of pleasure, asceticism, uncertainty or even rejection.

We will pay attention to the subtle (or strong!) sensations and emotions that arise in the absence of reward and relish the exquisite frustration that shows up when something that you desire is within your reach and yet, unavailable. We will sit in the charged space between desire and its gratification and explore what might happen if we do not (yet) go for what we want.

Arrive on a slightly empty stomach, if you dare.