Meet the festival presenters, learn about verbal and body consent, and how best to navigate through the festival. To ensure that everyone who comes to the festival takes part in an atmosphere of informed consent, we strongly recommend that all participants attend the Opening Ceremony. If participants cannot attend the Opening Ceremony, they must attend the inductions on Sunday morning at 9am to gain entry to the festival.
Holding and Being Held with Georgia Munro (11:30-1pm)
While holding forms an integral part of many physical interactions, and while it can, by itself, generate intense emotions and sensations, it is rarely investigated on its own merit. Often we do not actually feel safely held, even though that is what we long for (we can only truly let go when we know that someone will be there to hold us). Once we understand what it is that makes being held a less than satisfying experience, we can be clearer about what it is that we wish to feel in an embrace and where to place our attention.
Embodied Consent with Ira Zev (11:30-1pm)
Sexuality and Improvisation with Troubador Improv (2:30-4pm)
Dive deep into the ocean of human interaction. In this improvised show Troubador Impro will explore themes of love, intimacy, sex and connection.Without scripts of guide them, they rely on their own true experience and the stories of their audience to inform their situations and guide their decision making as they play with what it means to be human.
Tools For Kinky Play with Peter, Sarah and Ira (4:30-6pm)
Navigating a Play Party (8-9pm)
Do you experience anxiety before going to a play party? Do you worry about what to wear and how to behave?
Well you're not alone. Nearly everybody does.
Do you fear your partner might be attracted to someone else? Or that you might go home feeling frustrated and lonely? That people will cross your boundaries or that no-one will find you attractive?
Don't worry. Nearly everyone does.
The Magical Space - Curated Play Party (8pm-1am)
The Magical Space is a curated play party which explores theatricality, ceremony and poetry in the context of erotic play. There will be the possibility to explore different roles and games. Costumes will be available, although it is strongly encouraged to think of a character you would like to play and bring your own costume.