Erotic Living | Mentoring for the Curious and the Brave

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Orgasmic Yoga with Dr. Martha Tara Lee

Orgasmic Yoga is a form of yoga that involves pleasurable, intimate, and transformative practices that individuals, couples, and groups can do. It is not about complicated steps or awkward poses, but is rather an exploration of the use of breath, movement, sound, touch and intention.

This workshop will help you to:

Understand your sexual responses
Experience more orgasms
Kickstart your creativity
Love your body and life more deeply
Appreciate your body as a source of wisdom, happiness and freedom
Feel alive, look vibrant and manifest more

Comeā€¦ and become more in touch with your body, your breath, and your pleasure.

Orgasmic Yoga was invented by Joseph Kramer, Ph.D, who featured at 2016 Sydney Festival of Really Good Sex.

NB: Orgasmic Yoga is a Clothing Optional Workshop.